Sameer Al Harbi

Hello! I'm a Final Year Computing Science (Hons) Student at the University of Dundee. At my core, I am a creative person and someone who is deeply passionate about the tools that computation offers in creating everything from engaging experiences to unlocking new ways of thinking and approaching problems. I made this site to showcase just some of the ways that I have used these tools both in the classroom and beyond.

Student Tutor

University of Dundee | Sep 2021 - Dec 2021

C++ - C

Global Fintech Intern

CFTE | Aug 2021

Web Architecture

Tower of Kings

A 2D Physics based game made in Unity/C# for my Games Programming Module

C# - UNITY Find Out More

DUCS Squad Builder

24hrs DUCS Hackathon Winning Unity game chosen by Unity Technologies

C# - UNITY Find Out More

Obesity Anatomy Visualiser

Responsive AR/3D Webapp built for medical students


Random City Generator

A Dynamic Three.js scene generator

JAVASCRIPT Work in Progress